Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Quick and Easy 3D Text
Author: Dewald Hein More by this author

Added: Aug 19, 2008 Rating: Level: Beginner Software: Photoshop

Step 1. First things first, create a new document, make it any size you wish. For this tutorial i will make a small 200px x 200px.

Select your Text Type Tool(T), click on the background and type in your text. I just wrote "3D". Don't worry about colour's at this stage. And ensure that the text is NOT in bold.

Step 2. Now its time to prepare your text for transformation. Since we want to keep the text crisp, and want the ability to possible change the size later on, we will convert it to a shape.

Go to Layer > Type > Convert to shape. Now the text is a vector shape and is ready to be transformed.

Step 3. Make sure your text layer is highlighted. Go to Edit > Transform > Perspective. Click and drag the top left hand anchor point and pull it towards the right, drag it untill you get the perspective that you're after. I dragged the anchor point across untill my horizontal skew value reached 20°.

Step 4. This is the step where we add our colour to the text. Right click on your text layer, and click on Blending Options. Use these settings:

It should look something like this:

Feel free to change the colour's to match what you're after. These colour's are just for example.

Step 5. And now for the 3D business. Make sure your text layer is highlighted again. Now hold Ctrl + Alt, while holding down those two keys tap the up arrow key. As you can see the layer is duplicated and moved up one pixel. Repeat this to achieve the height that you are after.

Step 6. A few finishing touches, to make it look a little better.

Right click on the very top later and select Blending options. Apply these drop shadow settings:

Note: Ensure that you have Global light deselected first!

And this is it:

Step 7. And a little effect on the bottom layer. Right click on the very bottom text layer (not the background, the last text layer). Select blending options, and apply these shadow settings:

And here is your final result!

I hope you enjoyed that, and took something away from it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008